We increase the efficiency of our processes and foster utilization of renewable energy. In addition, we strive to develop and deploy CO2-neutral production procedures
With product- and process innovation we will increase the usage of sustainable and regionally sourced renewable raw-materials wherever it is possible
We optimize our circular production systems by increasing the recycling rate in our products and the material efficiency within the value chain
Professional water management is a central element of our strategy. It is our goal to protect water as a resource and to continue reducing water consumption
It is our goal, to steadily reduce emissions. We will achieve this by continuous improvement of our processes and technologies
We take our responsibility as an employer seriously and value fair cooperation
Together with our employees, we create an attractive working environment and support the personal development of the people in our company
We aim for a safe working environment. The health of our employees is of great importance to us
With foresight we create something purposeful and generate profit by acting in an ecologically and socially responsible way
We adhere to compliance and anti-corruption standards, promote integrity, and actively manage our risks
We protect our own data and systems as well as those of our stake holders by applying cyber security measures
With our equitable customer and supplier relations as well as our corporate citizenship we contribute to a sustainable development of societies